For those coming back to your apartment near TTU or moving in, it can be a nerve-wracking transition. You officially have to say good-bye to your favorite home-cooked meals and venture out on your own. You're surrounded by salty snacks, sweets, and countless fast-food options, yet are somehow supposed to stay on track with your eating habits. It may feel like your college environment is setting you up for food failure, but there is also plenty of opportunity to form good eating habits in your apartment near Texas Tech. Here are a few tips to help you avoid the dreaded freshman (or sophomore, junior, or senior) 15.
Establish a Routine
After your first week at Texas Tech University, you will have a clearer idea of what your academic and social calendar look like for the semester. Then, you will be able to plan your meals around your availability. Make sure to write down in a planner all of your class times, assignment due dates, exams, etc. and then consider when you'll have time to squeeze in your meals. Let's say you have an 8:00 a.m. class, and another at 11:00 a.m. You know that you have to eat breakfast in between but might not be able to get back to your TTU apartment. In this case, pack a protein bar with you to fuel you for the next few hours without having to resort to something unhealthy on-campus.
Whatever your schedule looks like, it is important to make time for your meals. By establishing a routine early on, you will figure out what works for you and can make any customizations if needed! Not every day in college looks the same but having a loose schedule with always remind you to eat and give you the energy needed to last all day.
Stock up on Healthy Snacks
If you're transitioning from a dorm room to apartments near Texas Tech, you're probably looking forward to having your own kitchen (good-bye mini fridge!). Be sure to take advantage of this luxury and fill your cabinets with snacks that will make you feel good and satisfied. It's time to ditch the high-preservative, high-calorie snacks, and look for some healthier alternatives. A few examples include…
- Dried mango, pineapple, or other fruits
- Nuts and seeds
- Raw veggies and hummus
- Smart pop
- Greek yogurt and granola
Remember: everything is fine in moderation! On days you just want to eat potato chips, or ice cream, you absolutely should. Eating healthy is not about restricting yourself, it's about eating what will make you feel good!
Drink Water
College gets busy, and simple tasks can sometimes slip your mind, but it is important to always remember to drink water! It is commonly recommended to drink around 64 ounces of water a day to keep you healthy and in good shape. I've found that one of the best ways to improve your water intake is by purchasing a reusable water bottle to keep with you. This way, whether you're in class, studying, or at a school event, you'll always have a way to remain hydrated.
Listen to Your Body
At the end of the day, you know what is best for you! Learn to intuitively eat so that you stop when you're full and are satisfying what you are craving. Eat sustainable foods, such as oatmeal or high-protein salads, to keep you full longer. And remember, you shouldn't have to completely eliminate any food group, especially ones that you love. Denying yourself of certain foods will just make you want them more, and you'll likely cave and ditch your healthy routine. Apartments under $800/month near TTU are equipped kitchen, making it the perfect place to experiment and learn what a healthy routine looks like for you. Just eat mindfully and you will start to form good eating habits that will last you a lifetime!